Looking to design your own kitchen, DIY style?
It is hard to know where to start when you are your own home designer. With all the HGTV remodeling shows, we have started to feel we all can be DIYers. These shows have also shown us that there are a lot of challenges that may come along the way. Which finish should be chosen first? Flooring, paint, cabinets, countertops, lighting, seating? Whether or not this is your first project, or your tenth, here are a few tips to help you on your designer journey.

Pick a decor style
What decor takes your breath away? Contemporary? Craftsman? Rustic Chic? Farmhouse? Start researching certain styles and finding out what all fits together with your tastes. Pay attention to which color pallets draw you in. Most of all, make sure it doesn’t clash with the rest of your home.

If you are a “do it yourself-er”, you probably use inspiration for every project. Just like an artist, you use references and ideas from other art and the real world to create beautiful artword. Feel free to browse our website, Pinterest, Houzz or even Google images for some inspiration. It is very hard to make decisions from thin air and there is no shame from taking ideas from other kitchens, in fact, it is encouraged.
Start with the most important piece
Whether it is beautiful floors, a specific cabinet door style and/or color, or those countertops you can’t get out of your head, start with whichever one you know you can’t live without. With a remodel, we all usually know at least one thing we want in our kitchen. If you have no real preference, I personally prefer to start with floors and work my way up. Floors cover the most surface area and can extend past just the kitchen, so they make the biggest impact. There is nothing wrong with starting with something else, however.

Keep practicality in mind
Some materials may look gorgeous. However, if that material is hard to clean, does not hold up long term, or fades quickly, it may not be the best material for the job. You want your kitchen to last a long time, be function, and easy to clean. This goes for appliances as well. Choose something that looks good, but also includes features you will use and is a brand you trust.
Have fun
Projects are supposed to be fun, but can get stressful quickly! If it does get too stressful, there is no shame in getting a second opinion. No matter if it is a friend, family member, or a professional, everyone just wants to see your vision come to life.